Saturday, May 13, 2023
Aria Hotel
Las Vegas

"This is a one-of-a-kind event of intimate socializing that allows couples and single-women to sexually explore and engage. I will be inviting my closest friends and a few vetted guests to enjoy the game in an opulent suite on the Las Vegas Strip." - Cousette

Saturday, May 13, 2023
8 pm

Playing the Game
Establish your boundaries, and accept those of your partner.
Get verbal, enthusiastic consent before touching and while advancing. (Read and agree to the Consent and Accountability Agreement.)
BYOB. Drink responsibly. A little relaxed is OK, drunk is not.
No smoking, no drugs.
Condoms are provided.
No photography without permission.
Upon arrival, guests put on name tags.
The women put on bracelets to hold the charms they will earn this evening. The men wear chains loaded with charms for the women to acquire.
Cousette reviews with rules with the guests and gives an orientation explaining how to play.

Cousette rings the bell to start the game. A woman may approach any man (other than her partner) to earn a charm from him. A man may approach any woman (other than his partner) to offer a charm to her. When an activity is performed, the charm is transferred from the man's chain onto the woman's bracelet.
The women maintain control by determining what kind of engagement (if any) she wants. She decides if she is the "giver" or the "receiver". (For example, she decides if she gives or receives oral sex.)
The game is divided into three rounds, The bell announces the starts and end of each round. During the first round, only the first-round charms can be awarded. During the second round, both second-round and first-round charms can be awarded. During the third round, all charms can be awarded.
1st Round charms
Hugging or conversation = crown charm, 1 point
Kissing = snowflake charm, 2 points
2nd Round charms
Groping = hand charm, 3 points
Licking nipples = star charm, 4 points
3rd Round charms
Oral sex = butterfly charm, 5 points
Sex = eagle charm, 6 points
It's not necessary to engage everyone, but the more people a woman engages, the higher she'll score. A woman may only receive one of each type of charm from the same man. If two women engage each other, they both earn charms from the other's partner.
Two bonus charms will be available during the game: one starting in the second round worth 8 points, and another in the third round worth 9 points. Cousette will explain at that time how to earn these special charms.
To conclude the game, each woman totals the value of her earned charms. Prizes are awarded for first and second place women who have the highest score; a prize is also awarded for the highest scoring non-full-swap woman.
Women keep their bracelets and charms as a souvenir of their conquests.
After the prizes are awarded, guests are invited to continue enjoying the party.

Additional Socializing
Join me for dinner the night before the party and hang out with me at the resort pool on the afternoon of the party. These aren't official party events, but I enjoy good food and relaxing, so why not let everyone know where I'll be so we can get to know each other better. I'll also invite some local friends to the dinner and pool who won't be at the party. It's just my time to relax prior to the big event. There is no cost to attend these extra events - each couple just pays for their own food and drink.
7 pm
You're welcome to join me and friends for dinner at a an upscale resort restaurant.

Noon to 4 pm
Relax with me in a private cabana at the resort's pool. Come and go at your leisure

An access code is needed obtain a ticket. Those who receive an invitation to attend will be provided an access code. To request an invitation, complete the application at the bottom of the page. There is no cost to attend. Once you have an access code, enter it in the ticket widget below or at this link.

Guest List
Because the game is unlike any other party, curating the guest list is the most important aspect of the preparations and requires our utmost attention.
"Is everyone good looking?"
Appearance and comportment are relevant considerations for admission, but they aren't the only ones. What is vital is a willingness to engage: a beautiful statue is no substitute for a living, breathing person who offers a friendly conversation or a warm touch. While there's no such thing as being too beautiful to attend, we have declined to offer invitations to gorgeous people who aren't otherwise a good fit.
"I'm too shy!"
One needn't be extroverted to attend. In fact, some who most enjoy these parties are the people who were the most nervous getting in the elevator. We designed the game for them, because we were them.
"Who gets approved to attend?"
Once our core group has RSVP'd and we receive requests for invitations, we often wait to decide until we have a good feel for the general tenor of the group. We then approve guests, keeping within a standard deviation of the mean.
"Can you fit us in?"
Unlike most parties, the game has a hard-limit capacity that is is pre-set by the number of chains and bracelets. If you have a ticket and confirm your attendance, you are guaranteed a spot. Occasionally we have last-minute cancellations, so it's possible that a spot will open nearer the date of the event.